Shooting a basketball requires good
balance, concentration and a good follow through. Learning to be a good shooter
is really important in the game of basketball. If you cant shoot you have a
lower chance of making your high school basketball team or any other team your
trying out for. Shooting a basketball takes a lot of practice so if you don’t
practice it, You wont be able to shoot very well
Before You learn how to shoot you must learn how to hold the
ball properly when you shoot.
If you’re right handed you must have your right hand on top
of the ball and your left hand on the side of the ball. If your left handed
just do the opposite. So, Instead of having your right hand on top of the ball,
you should have your left hand on top of the ball and your right hand on the
side of the ball. Also, you want to make sure you hold the ball with your
fingertips. You don’t want to hold the ball in your palm. You want to hold the
ball so you have good control when you shoot.
Now, Since you know how to hold the ball. You must learn how
to shoot. When you’re shooting just remember BEEF. Not the meat Beef but BEEF.
The B stands For balance. The E stands for elbows. The other E stands for Eyes
and the F is for follow Through.
1. B- You must have good balance before you shoot a basketball.
You have to make sure you knees are bent. When your knees are bent it will let
you have power in your shot. That’s right power comes from your legs not your
2. E- Your Elbows should be at a 90 degree angle when you
are about to shoot. It should look something like this:

3. E- Your eyes should be looking at the rim. It doesn’t matter
where you look at the rim. I usually look at the back of the rim. Some people
look at the front of the rim. It doesn’t matter where you look. Most people
like looking at the back and some people like to look at the front so its up to
4. F- Follow through is the last step of your shot. Your follow
through should look like this:
When you follow through your hands should be pointing at the
rim. And you should keep pointing at the rim until the ball touches the ground.
That’s all for this guide, Hope it Helps. Comment If you have
any questions